In addition to our community meetings and events, we also run a full time coworking studio for game developers located at 30 3rd Street in Troy, NY. This shared creative space is a vibrant and accessible hub for independent game developers, as well as anyone with an interest in making interactive art. We work together as a community to foster an atmosphere of mutual support, creative collaboration, and cross-disciplinary experimentation. Our members have formed game studios together, developed highly acclaimed experimental game projects, and much more.
Not sure if TVGS is the right fit for your needs? Stop by and take a tour! Learn more about the benefits of working in an inspiring environment where programmers, designers, artists, musicians, and writers are all developing creative projects in close proximity. To schedule a tour or request additional information, please feel free to send us a message via our Contact Us page.
When you’re ready to give the TVGS coworking studio a try, you can obtain full 24/7 access for just $50 per month. Want to sign up now? Use the “Get Access to the Space” section on the sidebar of this page to become a coworking member today!