Ludum Dare 48

Online event

The time has come to make games for the 48th biannual online game jam, Ludum Dare! Ludum Dare is a fun community event where participants create games over a weekend based on a shared theme. The theme will be revealed during our kickoff party on Friday evening, so be sure to join us then if...Continue reading Ludum Dare 48

Orbit: Beginner Game Design

Online event

Join us for this month's edition of Beginner Game Design, our monthly series of free online mentorship sessions in game making that are open to all participants (ages 9+). This is the perfect group for beginners who want to learn the basics of game creation. -- NOTE: Due to the current circumstances, this is an...Continue reading Orbit: Beginner Game Design

Social Night

Online event

Join us via Discord to socialize with fellow game developers from the Capital Region and beyond! Our social gatherings are a great opportunity for local game makers to interact, meet new friends, and stay connected. We'll be chatting, playing games together, and engaging in other fun-filled social activities. Social Night is hosted as a weekly...Continue reading Social Night